Today I find myself counting the costs of this move. Was it worth it to move ourselves across the ocean AGAIN? What have we gained in this move? It's much easier to notice what has been lost. My boys still grieve their beach life (did we forever ruin them by living near the beach?!!). It's not uncommon to hear one of them remind us on a weekly basis that they would move back to Florida in a heartbeat if given a chance...
Were we crazy to move here?
But today the AQI has lowered enough that children can "safely" return to school...while I am left with the voices in my head that ask "was it worth it to leave our salty beachside air?"
Were we crazy to move here?
The tension between our two lives is real, and sometimes we feel it in ways that can bring tears to the eyes. We look at pictures from less than a year ago, my boys looked like beach boys. Since moving to Thailand we have grown pasty white, and our hair has lost the sun-kissed look. Perhaps our skin will thank us for getting out of the sun...
But our hearts miss the sounds of the crashing waves.
There's no comparing less than one year in Thailand to four years in Florida. But compare we do...
Were we crazy to move here?
Today I am aware of other costs as well. While it's cheaper to live in Thailand (considerably so) there are costs that can't be measured by monetary means.
A cost of time
A cost of friendships
A cost of a sense of stability
A cost of a sense of belonging
I can't even begin to say whether these costs equal what we have come here's still too early, too soon to say.
But how do I let myself take a deep breath and embrace what is? How do I not give into a sense of looming haze that wants to creep into my mind and soul? What enables me to stay here, to choose this place as home for this time?
It's not something I can put my finger on. On a good day, I am able to catch a glimpse...a moment of yes, this is right! But on a less than ideal day, or in a moment when my son sheds tears once again, I catch myself longing for what we left behind. I hear its lure, and wonder "were we crazy to move here?"
Will the haze clear helping us to see that yes, the costs were worth what we have come to Thailand for?
Meanwhile, my sight is limited by the haze...I can only see so far.
Today is where I can sit and wait.
I will wait here in today, setting aside once again those thoughts that make me crazy...
because today is what is real.
Today is what I have.
Thanks you for your authentic and transparent blog post. I know I can’t offer much, but prayer and assurance. I can assurance you that with time the haze will become clearier, and you will begin to see that although you question was the cost worth the dream, this is the place Christ has placed you to fullfill His purpose in furthering His kingdom. Right know the pruining process is tough; it’s prickling and uncomfortable. God is preparing you. That is the sight we keep on, while remaining comfortable with the uncomfortable, and a continuous flow of blessing and honoring our feelings.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your honesty Lori!. Much love for you.
ReplyDeleteHello, Dear Lori. I’m sorry I am seeing this post a few days late. It touches me deeply and reminds me to be brave, like you, in following my heart. It brings up those moments when my husband or I have a deep longing that is hard to put into words or to “justify”. When we have something that is calling to us, we invoke what we call “the rocking chair rule”. This rule implies that when I am 90 years old and sitting on our front porch, rocking with you, I am still going to be wondering “What if”. “What if I had followed that longing?” For us, there are some questions that can only be answered by following the longing and seeing what arises. You, my friend, are living this. What a profound and faithful journey you are on...