Thursday, August 31, 2017

the storm

do you find yourself watching the news and feeling fear rise higher than the sea level of your soul? do you find yourself holding your breath wondering what's next?

does it ever catch up with you and pin you down?

what do you do?  turn off the news? only to look around and see that there is plenty to fear right here around you?

how do we not just give into the fear? how do we not just manage the fear by numbing it...turning on the latest sitcom, scroll Facebook, eat more...

is our only hope that we can just ignore the cries of the suffering in our world?  how do we know where to begin when suffering is everywhere.  and the news is like a zoom in lens...searching for the suffering to blare into your living room and heart

and soon our hearts either burst or become numb.  what can I do?  it's too much.  too much for me to know what to do

I find myself angry...pointing fingers at the president.  pointing fingers at "them", maybe even shaking my fists at God.  if only "they" would stop our world would be better.  we want to blame someone, anyone, for the suffering.

but are we left with nothing to do except make a sign and protest?  is that all there is?  we are told that we need to get off our lazy rears and get out there.  shake our fists at the oppressors.  change the world.

fear.  fear.  fear.
it's everywhere.
fear.  fear.  fear.
here, there, everywhere
even our answers are marked by fear

caught in the whirlwind of fear I react.  I cannot see straight.  I see the problem.  I see the haters, the oppressors, and I want them to be gone.  I want justice.  and all I can see is the urgency of fixing the problem.  act now.

but in the middle of the hurricane is the eye of the storm.  literally the place where it is calm.  the storm rages all around, but in the center there is peace.

when we are caught in the storm we become a part of the storm.  even our best intentions, they can be full of confusion.  when we react to the storm, we create our own storms.  when fear becomes anger and rage and hatred...we are allowing our hearts to become a new storm

a storm does not end another one

there is another way.  step outside of the storm, or find yourself in the middle.  when we know our center, and our hearts remember what is true...we have something to offer.  when we have a hold on true north, the way forward, we have something true to offer.  we will not create a new storm.  we will offer a way forward, a way that is marked by peace, by love

but it looks slow.  it may feel slow.  it may not even be noticeable.  everyone stirred up by the pain, the suffering, the rage, the brokenness...

but he speaks "peace, be still" to the storm.  and we must step aside and hear this voice so that we can be this voice in our world

taste the peace, know the peace, and you will be the peace, you will have the peace to offer

but when you become the storm, you will create another storm...

Jesus, divine love,
we find ourselves in the middle of a storm.
all we see
all we feel
is the rage of the storm
and one storm seems followed by another
sometimes there is hardly a breath or pause between
what can we do?
how can we keep going?
is it ok to step aside and rest?
to hear that you are with us?
will this be enough?
will I have anything to offer others...
We cry out, Lord, help us!
It's too much
help us to not run away
help us to not give up
help us to not be reactive
Show us how to be your light
your peace
your love
Our world is starving
But you are light
Show us the way

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