ode to Christmas
the stores start stocking sometime in late August
we might even see Santa as early as July
but really it's December
that I feel ready to bring it all home
but then I find the month passes too quickly
with every day full on the calendar
shopping, parties, candy, mid-term finals
it's all a swirl
and soon the day is here
i have hardly paused to contemplate
the true meaning of it all
but Santa smiles over and over again
as innocent children sit a bit scared on his lap
and we all instagram our photos for friends to see
but who can remember what it is really about anyway
frosting on cookies
plans to travel or host
December is the busiest month of all
just look at my iCalendar and you will see
though yours might be busier
I didn't get invited to many parties this year
but that's ok
nor did we get a Christmas photo sent out
that's ok too
maybe next year
maybe we will remember to take it in August
but this year, December came fast
and now it's nearly Christmas
and then all the wrapping paper that was carefully taped
will be a big pile of trash
children will be well fed
well supplied in all their wants
and parents will lean back and long for rest
as their children run all around trying out their new toys
but somewhere someone
will sit in the quiet
perhaps it's you
perhaps it's me
perhaps it's someone who once knew the noise
but this year it's quiet
not quite what they had planned
sometimes life brings surprises
and yet,
that is what the first "Christmas" was...
a surprise
not expected
the world was going on as usual
and a young naive mother
was welcoming a little baby into the world
she did not have a midwife
only a first-time father to watch the event
as the first cries filled the stable
and a relieved mother held her baby
were the animals aware of this unusual event?
or did they go on as usual
while the mother and father marveled
such a normal common event--giving birth to a baby
yet knowing this baby was not "normal"
but a gift from the Divine
beholding this gift in awe
pausing for a moment to embrace
something so "normal"
yet so extraordinary and full of hope
As I sit in a quiet moment with my coffee
I attempt to imagine myself in that story
Wanting to embrace somehow the mystery
of that first Christmas day
When the gift was truly special
something that we truly needed
something that held hope and expectancy
something sacred
I pause
and for a moment I am reminded
that though my children will receive gifts
I somehow want to behold
that first sacred gift
to be in awe
to see
to savor
a gift for us all
and yes,
I know
that I need this gift