As we head back to the states I face the fear of the American dream taking over my life and my heart. What am I talking about? I'm afraid of returning to a country that leads us to believe that happiness is one purchase away (click...) and then another. We reach for food to satiate that hunger. We buy more and more technology to fill our homes, and our minds, and even our hearts. I'm afraid that I, too, will be victim to this tendency of reaching to those ideas of happiness. That I will buy into the belief that all I need to be happy is to fit into a size 6 pair of jeans (smaller would be even happier, but let's be realistic about this happiness...). If I'm healthy I'll be happy. If I'm younger looking I'll be happy (gotta cover that greying hair on my head). If I have happy kids I'll be happy. If I have a swimming pool in my yard I'll be happy. And it just doesn't stop. I already struggle with this disease. It's everywhere, and if you have any means of affording to buy these things (and even if you don't you're not immune) it's so easy to get caught up. Discontentment keeps us coming back for more.
And yet, who will stand up in the middle of the crowd and say "hey, who's behind the curtain telling us all that this is what will make us happy?" Who will say "Enough!!! I'm not buying into this belief anymore!" Who will be that lonely voice that turns around and walks the opposite direction of the masses of people...all blindly and numbly walking in unison, believing that this "voice" is true. And while they are still not happy, it's just over that hill. Just over that horizon. Just over the other side of the raise or the end of this month when we go on vacation...
His voice is quiet. It does not scream, it does not condemn. But it invites us to freedom. He reaches his hand out and smiles. He invites us to life! LIFE! And who doesn't want to feel alive?
Awaken my soul. Don't sleep through this "life". As I grow older, as my body ages and grey hairs crowd out the colored ones...let my soul be awakened to the never aging life you offer. Help me to have courage to believe that your way is full of life. To believe that your invitation is real, true, and there's no catch. Help me to tune out the loud voice in this world that often catches my ear (and heart). I need courage, Lord. This journey will feel lonely, and odd. It will not fit into this world. But it will be so much fuller, so much greater, so much more real. Set me free to live! Awaken my soul.